
“This precious baby girl was safely removed by our Wandisa social worker and taken to the local hospital to be assessed"

We are privileged to be part of this little girl’s life story! Grateful to all at Wandisa for your determination to make a difference no matter what and for putting yourselves at risk to protect children in our communities. We desperately need donations to meet operational expenses and to continue our work. Even the smallest contribution will help.

Wandisa Child Protection & Adoption Agency NPC Staff


Wandisa hosted the Western Cape Adoption Coalition in Somerset West.

We all benefitted immensely from Dr. Aisling Foley’s insightful presentation on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which affects so many of the children we serve. Here’s to better-equipping children to negotiate the devastation of permanent brain damage & establishing new ways to prepare adults to parent them. Thank you for sharing your insight and expertise with us, Aisling!