Wandisa is a specialised child protection organisation designated to provide expert social work services to vulnerable children. Uniquely positioned, we intervene to ensure safe care for children in crises and support vulnerable families. We strive to find a “forever home” for every child in need of a family, because we have seen how adoption transforms lives. We believe children add enormous value to families and societies – “Wandisa” in isiZulu and isiXhosa means “one who adds to the family”. We are honored to serve children through adoption nationally into South African families and internationally in terms of our accreditation and Hague Intercountry Working Agreements.

Who We Are
What We Do

Our phenomenal social workers give their all to prioritise and protect neglected, abused, abandoned, orphaned, and institutionalised “Little People”. Wandisa walks each child through the statutory processes necessary to protect that child and have him/her declared adoptable. Wandisa also counsels birth parents in crisis, finds temporary safe care and interim foster placement options for children, supervises those placements, facilitates reunification where this is best for the child, screens, and equips adoptive parents, matches and refers adoptable children – and provides post-placement services!
Where To Find Us
Contact Us
Telephone number +27 21 852 8025/ +27 82 387 2434
Email: info@wandisa.co.za
1st Floor, Orange House, 63 Caledon Street,
Somerset West, Western Cape, South Africa, 7130